Mac / PC keyboard issues

I’m looking for some advise on which keys to use cross platform to add some features to LO. In particular mac vs PC keyboards.

  1. First there is the current inability to remove a selection in a Base list-box using the keyboard. ref. It was pointed out that a mac does not have a delete key, (or at least many or most macs don’t). So what do mac users use in place of the Del key?

  2. Also as a way to speed data entry of redundant items I’m trying to get a cross platform method of copying cells or lines, from the cells or lines respectively above them with a couple special key strokes. On a PC in both Calc and Access, Ctrl-tick does this for the cell above. But how do mac users do this, like in Calc (since Access is not on mac).

(To make matters worse, currently there is a bug in Base list-boxes that makes it so ctrl-tick does not work with them. It works with every other kind of control, but not list-boxes. Alt-tick is the current workaround, but is harder to type given where it is on the keyboard. We’re looking for the best alternative to fix this bug.)

Anyone with a mac out there who can help with this?

It’s quite a long time since I used a Mac with reduced keyboard, but I seem to remember Del key was “coded” as Fn+Backspace. If not Fn, maybe the Apple key will do

@ajlittoz Thanks, this helps.

@EasyTrieve You’re welcome

Another memory: when other OS (Linux, Windows, …) docs says Cntrl something, translate on Mac as Apple samething. There are also equivalent for traditional one-button Apple mouse but it is really cheap and easy to plug a 5-button mouse.

it seems the fn Modifier Key is not represented in …
The following function can be used to remove a selection in a Base list-box using the keyboard:

Function Listbox_Clear_Selection( oEvent ) As Boolean
REM Clears the current selection from a Listbox when the DELETE Key is pressed.
REM Just call it from the Listbox's KeyPressed Event.
	Dim ClearKey: ClearKey =	'
	Select Case oEvent.KeyCode
	Case ClearKey
		oEvent.Source.Model.selectedItems = Array()
	End Select
	Listbox_Clear_Selection = False
End Function