QR Code Generator


My first question, on this forum, so here goes.
In Calc, can I add a cell reference to the QR Code generator to create QR codes dynamically?

eg. in the URL/Text: =B2

to pick up the data in cell B2.



What is “the QR code gemerator” for you?
Please have in mind that none of us is knowing your system / install / extensuons.

@Lupp - it’s not an externsion but a new feature of LibreOffice 6.4 - see LibreOffice 6.4: Release Notes - Core / General

Tanks! Sorry. Had missed the new feature. Of course, this implies that I haven’t yet any related knowledge.

A bit of investigation semmed to show that the new feature isn’t yet accessible via an API service, and that the needed proceedings cannot be automated with the help of a recorded macro.
Thus I can only tell that shapes have a property .Description where probably the source cell (as its AbsoluteName?) could be stored withouit endangering different functionality Another automate might then check the QR codes contained in the document for needing updates. To also automate the update itself seems impossible currently.

hey Geoffrey, did you solve this problem? I am looking for a solution too. Cheers

I did not find anything, but it seems LibreOffice uses goqr.me api, so the creation of the codes via simple script (could be bash or node.js if you will) should be easily done. I will be certainly creating one soon

You can used my extension Zaz-BarCode: Mauricio Baeza / ZAZ BarCode · GitLab


Sorry, but ZAZ-BaCode is not good for this - not able to specify cell for generate - selected cell only. Data from selected cells is not calculated - your plugin make qr code formula instead of result of calculation.

barcody.ods (41.3 KB)

change the value in red cell


no - you can’t. Use a QR reader and see that you’d get the text “=B2”

[Update] Obviously my statement above is not clear enough: “Use a QR reader and see that you’d get the text “=B2”**” is meant as a means how to check what you get from generating QR code using Insert -> Object -> QR Code...

The question wasn’t about a QR-reader, but about generating QR-codes.

@Lupp - probably you misunderstood that. It’s just a hint how to check that generating QR-codes with LibreOffice creates QR code with text only and for that a QR reader is required (I can’t read QR code without such tool).

  1. Install QRCode generator | Apache OpenOffice Extensions
  2. Download https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/download/file.php?id=44477 to a trusted directory according to Tools>Options>Security>[Macro Security…]
  3. Add a subdirectory named “qr” to the trusted directory where you saved the document.
  4. Open the document, open the form “QR” therein and push the button.

[Apache OpenOffice Community Forum - Printing QR codes out of database - (View topic)](https://Printing QR codes out of database)