The maximum number of columns per sheet was exceeded

When i tried to open some MS Excel files in LibreOffice Calc i get this warn. I searched solution of this issue but i did not find useful things. How can i increase number of column limit?

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I asked this question elsewhere. And I got the this answer:

LibreOffice Calc has below limits for number of rows, columns and cells that it can handle.

  • Maximum number of Columns per worksheet = 1024 (Col A to AMJ).
  • Maximum number of Rows per worksheet = 1048576 (2^20).
  • Maximum number of cells per worksheet = 1,073,741,824 (2^30).
  • Maximum number of characters in one cell = 32767
  • Maximum number of worksheets in a workbook = 10000

is this answer right?

is this answer right?

It follows official FAQ.

There’s tdf#50916, which is not solved yet; it adds an experimental (and highly unstable) big table support, with 16k columns and 2m rows in upcoming version 7.0.

Why this “2m” already used in the release notes? What about using standards and giving clearly understandable information? Somebody trying to make everything as funny as the date formats used in this site?
“Highly unstable” confirmed.

Oh it was 16 million rows? I must had been confused.


How can i increase number of column limit?

Can’t. Source: I have converted a large spreadsheet from another application to LibreOffice. Some rows are missing. What has happened? (2019-09-30 13:21:40)

Maximum number of characters in one cell = 32767
[Is] this answer right?

No. “70 million characters, although worked exceptionally laggy.” (I verified until 47001). Source: What is the maximum number of cells, rows, columns and sheets in a LibreOffice spreadsheet? (2020-04-13 13:07:46).

See more at: Frequently asked questions - Calc

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