URL or hyperlink to text

Is there a MACRO to convert a URL or hyperlink to text;

Jim (Hyperlink) convert it to; jim@bookman-jim.biz

Open office had one, but it is now lost and I have deleted Open Office in favor of LibreOffice.

⌡im [THE ßookMan]

See another similar question.

No luck!

Tried all 3 formulas in A2 … nothing happened.

Have screen shot to share … HOW?
Will send sheet … How?

⌡im [THE ßookMan]

Before we proceed with your troubleshooting, please can you claime that this is not a spam database? I would hate to know that by helping one person, I have caused inconvenience to a large number of people.

Try this:

Function getURL(sCellAddress As String) As String
Dim oCell As Variant
Dim oTextFields As Variant
Dim aTemp As Variant 
On Error GoTo wrong_result
  getURL = "Wrong address"
  oCell = ThisComponent.getSheets().getCellRangesByName(sCellAddress)(0).getCellByPosition(0, 0)
  oTextFields = oCell.getTextFields()
	If oTextFields.getCount() > 0 Then 
		getURL = oTextFields.getByIndex(0).URL
		If InStr(oCell.getFormula(),"HYPERLINK") > 0 Then
			aTemp = Split(oCell.getFormula(),"""")
			If UBound(aTemp) > 1 Then getURL = aTemp(1)
End Function

You can call it like as =GETURL(CELL("ADDRESS";A2))

or =GETURL("$Sheet1.A2")

or =GETURL("$Sheet1.A" & ROW())

image description

1 Like

Ran perfectly the first time.
Cleared data, area, added another list, repeated as the first time … NOTHING???

Please help!
Tried to U/L CALC that won’t run, but no luck.

⌡im [THE ßookMan]


I’m sure NOTHING is an accurate description of what happened. ANYTHING was bound to happen. For example, the inscription “Wrong address” instead of addresses or any other


It’s like the MACRO wasn’t even there (it is, just the same as the one listed above).
No error message, highlight doesn’t move, not even a blink when I try to run it.

tried deleting the MACRO and reloading it, b ut that did nothing either.’

Loaded a fresh instance of the latest JAVA,
Itjust sits there …

How to get a copy to you?

⌡im [THE ßookMan]

when I try to run it

WAIT! Are you trying to RUN this function? It doesn’t need to run!

Just write the formula in a blank cell, near the hyperlinked cell. CALC will run the macro itself and place the result in a cell with a formula

Have done that several times.
Also wrote the formula in a brand new CALC sheet … NADA???

How to get the CALC file to you?

⌡im [THE ßookMan]

Jon Sum,
Thanks for the MACRO, but it didn’t work for me.
I must be doing something wrong.

Open “Get URL”
Load Hyperlinks into Col A1 – A???
Highlight Hyperlinks
TOOLS → MACROS → Organize → BASIC → Get URL

This is the macro:
Function getURL(sCellAddress As String) As String
Dim oCell As Variant
Dim oTextFields As Variant
Dim aTemp As Variant
On Error GoTo wrong_result
getURL = “Wrong address”
oCell = ThisComponent.getSheets().getCellRangesByName(sCellAddress)(0).getCellByPosition(0, 0)
oTextFields = oCell.getTextFields()
If oTextFields.getCount() > 0 Then
getURL = oTextFields.getByIndex(0).URL
If InStr(oCell.getFormula(),“HYPERLINK”) > 0 Then
aTemp = Split(oCell.getFormula(),"""")
If UBound(aTemp) > 1 Then getURL = aTemp(1)
End Function

The MACRO is there as you wrote it, but nothing happens?
C:\fakepath\Get URL (LO).ods

Is there no one that can help?

I have tried many things as prescribed above, but this CALC formula just won’t run and convert links to text.
The first time I tried, it converted 100+ links to text in a flash, but since then NOTHING!!!

I have 100’s more to convert.

I would be happy to have someone remote into mu machine or I can U/L the sheet to your E-mail (I’ll lose it immediately after)

⌡im [THE ßookMan]

Worked GREAT!
Thanks a bunch,
⌡im [THE ßookMan]

Premature post … Ignore.