Calc spreadsheet does not keep definitions

In “LibreOffice” I have prepared a saving accout followup spread sheet.
Defined content of each column (text, currency, date, color and so on), defined font type and size, named it and saved it.
Started to make entries, but each time I open it to make a new entrie, have again to select the row and select font type and size. Same goes for the entries in the columns. When done, I save it. On the next time all over again.
Why does it not keep the definitions ?
I made all definitions when started “LibreOffice” the first time.
OS win 10 pro 64bit, 1709.
Answers will be appreciated.

What file type are you using when saving your spreadsheet? Is that CSV?

1.Saved spreadsheet file in “xlsx” format.
2.Previous lines keep the definitions, only the new added lines have to re-define.

Thank you Mike for the answer.
Saving my spreadsheet in “xlsx” format. Is it wrong ?

I didn’t “answer”, I commented. Please do the same when not answering the original question. You may either use comments, or edit your original question when adding information essential to the matter of the question. Please edit your question to add the file type there, and delete this “answer”.

As to XLSX. Well - the file format, though foreign to LibreOffice, should keep the font type and so on. But it’s unclear from your question, if all the formatting is lost from all the data already present, or if you speak about new rows that you wish to add when editing.

If that’s existing data formatting that is lost, then please add a sample file, and mention specific steps to reproduce the problem, like “1. Put cursor to cell XXX; 2. Right-click and choose “Cell Formatting”; 3. Go to tab YYY; 4. Enter 123 to box ABC; …, N. save and reload; N+1. Go to LMN and see …” - so that it’s clear what’s done, what’s expected, and what you actually see.