Inserting images into Libre Writer

I have a blank document and I insert an image into it. The cursor shows at the bottom of the image. I press enter to have some blank spaces and the cursor is now 2 or 3 spaces below the first image. I insert a second image and it comes in over the top of the first image. I have to slide the second image down the page. I insert a third image and it will come in over top of the second image. I slide that image down. Sometimes inserting an image completely replaces the original image I had inserted. Even if I put the images on there own pages, sooner or later they will cover up previous images or replace an image completely. I had LibreOffice on my computer before I reformatted it and images would be inserted at the cursor location without issue. It is almost as if images are being inserted by the lower left corner instead of the upper left. I have uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck. Anybody have any ideas?

There’s some good info here.

I found it using Google.

The keyword is anchor.

If this helps, please uprate my answer since I try to get my karma >= 5. :wink:

I’ve read that article already and it doesn’t work. I can’t believe that I can’t insert images in succession down the page at cursor location. It used to work. What changed?