I would like to insert in a text and, in the notes of the same, a dynamic reference to the url present at the end of the chapter.

I would like to insert in a text and, in the notes of the same, a dynamic reference to the url present at the end of the chapter. In practice I need that, at each insertion of text, the number [1] drops to [2] and so on, remaining consistent with the numbered list of URLs at the end of the chapter. I thought I was using a dynamic variable but I can’t make it happen. Can you explain better how I can do to make it happen? Thanks

To solve this, I thought of inserting a note at the bottom of the page for normal notes and an endnote for the links to the url. The system works in the course of the text but not when the url is in the footnote. In the footnote he doesn’t let me insert a second endnote. Is there any way to overcome this limit?

Per quale motivo si scrive e si risponde in inglese? Siamo sul sito della lingua italiana.

I solved it by inserting the text notes n at the bottom of the page and the closing notes for the url [n] at the bottom of the text. The only problem remains that footnotes start from one third of the page.

A simpler and more versatile solution is to stuff all your URL in the bibliography database.

You can choose the form of the inserted reference as [999], [abc] or automatic number. You insert the list of used entries just like you would a table of contents.

Read the description of the feature in the Writer Guide.

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