Calc: Multiple rowed conditional formatting

In Calc, how would I go about making a cell change based upon the condition of another cell being met?

For example, if the header of column was the date, and I wanted to check if the date was TODAY(), and if so, then I would want to make a certain row a different colour and have this apply to every single cell in its row.


Your Example makes no sense for me… header of column in context to CF for whole row ??
Where is the Date to compare with TODAY()?

I think you mean something like this - Multiple rowed conditional formatting.ods

If you have the Date in A1, then the formula in Conditional Format would be like this


Select the row you want to format, and then go to conditional format to enter the above formula.

1·Select the row
2·Deselect the header
3·Format → Conditionnal Format → Condition
4·“The formula is” — $A$1=AUJOURDHUI()
5·Apply the style …

Should be good.

The formula is :


Like adam1969in said.