Templates have disappeared

I have updated to 3.5.4 and now I can’t access templates anymore. It says something like “templates already exists” (my LibO is in french so it actually says "Templates existe déjà) when I try to access the templates dialog. What happened? Are the templates corrupted? Are there two concurrent versions of the folder were they are stored?

@CyanCG – did you find a fix for this question? Thanks.

I never bothered to investigate further, because I only had two templates in there and I had a backup, but the bug was indeed aggravating. The user profile folder contained nothing, so the update had probably messed with the profile. I don’t think I could submit any useful info for a bug report.

@CyanCG, Okay, thanks for the update. Sounds like the question is no longer relevant, so I’ll close it out thusly.