Get external data hangs when inserting web address

I have upgraded to opensuse13.1 64 bit.
I have tried to draw data from numerous websites & have the same problem. eg( my document hangs.
I have tried to do all the necessary update for Libre with Zyper in libre* & still have the same problem.
I have read as many posts on google as possible & most people suggest downgrading which I would like to try & avoid.
I am not sure if it is a bug, or a package that I have accidentally missed.

Build ID: 410m0(Build:3)

In Opensuse13.1 to fix the problem uninstall LO & install LO

Thanks for reporting back. Sounds like it was a problem with the OpenSUSE-provided LO version as I suggested.

That particular link works fine here under Debian 7 using v4.1.4.2 (website version). It may be a problem with your OpenSUSE-provided LO version, or as you indicate a missing package.