On version, not able save new file as odt "Error saving the document Untitled1: Write Error. Error writing file."

Hi all, I would like to save even a new file as ODT, but I’m getting a window with following error:

“Error saving the document Untitled1: Write Error. Error writing file.”

What I did:

  1. New file
  2. To write Any … bla bla bla on file
  3. Then on menu - File/Save as/ ODT nor OTT forma

Result above error.

Very Odd thing is I’m able to save as the other ones like: doc, docx, xml, txt …

I was attempting to use “Versions…” feature, and was reading than only on ODT format I’m able to use it, hence I try to save my “doc” file as “odt” and found the issue.

Even when I removed whole ~/.config/libreoffice directory, in order to get a new one as first start, still getting the problem not able to save as odt.

I’ve downloaded next version, and with this one, could save as ODT format, running both version at the same time, the stills, is not able to save as ODT.

You can download from LibreOffice

And install as:

tar zxvf LibreOffice_4.2.6.1_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz
cd LibreOffice_4.2.6.1_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

You migth try first to remove old version as:

sudo apt-get remove libreoffice*
