Macro for a clean database ending and exit from LibreOffice

I’m developing an ongoing split database application with OSX 10.10.5 with LO Version:

I want to give my users a clean exit from the application AND importantly from LO. Currently I’m using this macro actioned from a push button on switchboard form:

public sub sbTerminate        
            dim nf 			As Integer
            dim oCollection	       As Object
            dim StarDesktop	as object
            'close all open forms
            	Set oCollection = Application.Forms()
            	For nf = 0 To oCollection.Count-1
            	Next nf
            ' close the database
            	call DBClose
            ' now close the application
    end sub

However I see this ABORT message when it runs

Error #1501 (No active connection to a
database found) occurred in a call to
function ‘Quit’

My question is what do I need to do to my macro to achieve my objective?

N.B. I would prefer NOT to have to kill any LO process by shelling out to the underlying system since the application is designed to be platform independent.

I have tried the macro without the call DbClose statement BUT I cannot guarantee that the application does a clean re-startup every time. Sometimes it does and sometimes it has to recover the database, which is an unnecessary worry for my mainly non-IT users.


Thanks JPL to answer your questions DBCLOSE is a routine to close a SPLIT database

I’ve taken your advice and experimented with my routine and it now looks like this

public sub sbTerminate
' terminate the database gracefully
dim nf 				As Integer
dim i 				as integer
dim fnames() 		as string 
dim oCollection		As Object
dim closingMsg		as string

' set up error trapping & call stack tracking
	on error goto sbTerminate_Error
	call acbPushStack("sbTerminate")
' close all recordsets
 closingMsg="closing the recordsets"	
' close all OPEN forms
 closingMsg="closing the open forms"
	Set oCollection = Application.Forms()
	if nf<>0 then
' get the names
' n.b.looping through Application.Forms(i).mclose()
' DOES NOT work if there is  more than 1 form
' because the count & index references change 
' each time Application.Forms is called within the loop
' so have to reference forms by NAME to close.
   		redim fnames(nf-1)
		For i = 0 To nf-1
		Next i
' close all forms
		for i=0 to nf-1
		next i
' shutdown & compact the database
 closingMsg="shutting down & compacting the database"
' disabled closing the database connection
' becase this gives problems with Application.Quit
' closingMsg="closing the database connection"
'	call DBClose
' finally quit the application
  call acbPopStack
  call QuitApplication
  exit sub
 	call ErrorReport("Problem with " & closingMsg)
 	resume sbTerminate_Exit: 
end sub

sub QuitApplication
' currently this quits the Base
' application it does  NOT
' shutdown LibreOffice
end sub

To explain: the acb… calls are to my stack tracing & error logging routines. I’ve deliberately separated out the problem of terminating LibreOffice into another routine because I’ve realised want to do five things:

  1. close down any open record sets and any open forms
  2. shut down the database
  3. close the connection to the database
  4. close down BASE
  5. shutdown LibreOffice

sbTerminate does 1 & 2 - if I try and do 3 (the logical thing to do) it interferes with 4 - because 4 tries to do it as well and fails. That’s why 3 is commented out. I’ve discovered then that 4 (QuitApplication) works. I separated it out into another routine because in an emergency (like the application trapping more than 2 errors) I want to just stop everything at once.

However I’m still left with the problem of 5, essentially wanting to do the key strokes [cmd-Q] with a macro.

The sequence I now have works except that the user is left with LO open AND if they attempt to restart the application it complains about a database connection problem. If the user shuts down LO manually and then restarts everything is OK.

What is the code behind ?

call DBClose

If it contains a CloseConnection method, then it should be left out.

I don’t know why sometimes the database has to be recovered. Have you setup the database in the so-called “split” mode ?
What you can try also:

  • ensure that all recordsets are closed (CloseAllrecordsets method)

  • Force a clean shutdown of the database: something like



Some comments…

  1. When you want to change a collection that you goes through, you can use step -1 instruction. E.g.

    for i = ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocuments.count - 1 to 0 step -1
    next i

However, this does not seem necessary. The following code closes “properly” the database and all opened forms:

  1. Since version 3.6 the software automatically compact bases. SHUTDOWN COMPACT is no more useful and it effects a disconnection from the data source unlike CHECKPOINT DEFRAG.

  2. I am not in favor of closing LibreOffice from a database: the user can open other documents (writer, calc …).
    Whatever IMHO the quit should be made from a LibreOffice module and not from the base.


pierre-yves samyn thanks for your comments. I’ll modify my code accordingly.

Regarding your (3) point in general I would agree with you.

However this routine is part of a large integrated application built using LO’s database & writer facilities (see this entry)(Public database example of application as a learning resource)
and as such the users do not need have ( and I don’t want them to have) knowledge of the underlying engine. This being the case it’s not unreasonable for them to have and use a “quit application” button and for it to function like [cmd-Q].

My impression FWTW, is that I don’t think the developers have envisaged LO being used in this way, certainly not for a database application. The basic application building tools and functions which can be found in MS-Access for example; like being able to start up without the GUI, having a clean shut down & exit, being able to protect/hide code, properly integrated code IDE, conditional compilation, identical operation across all platforms, etc. all appear to be missing. [END OF WARNING]

So, after that long discussion, is there a usable macro on hand,
to trigger from a button in a Base Form, a clean exit for DB and LibO(V5) ?
I’ll take it !