Adjust color numbered list in colored text

In LibreOffice Writer I am working on a document with two colors of text: black (standard) and blue. In the blue text, the numbers / letters of the numbered list are black instead of blue. When I adjust this to blue, the numbers / letters of numbered lists in the black text also turn blue. This problem does not arise with a bulleted list. How do I get the numbers from numbered lists in the blue text blue and at the same time in the black text black?

De opmaak van tekens van een lijst worden geregeld door een lijstopmaakprofiel.
Je kunt voor de blauwe versie een nieuw opmaakprofiel maken en die gebruiken bij je blauwe tekst.

Close to, Kees.

There is a character style, selected in the list(style), that is responsible for the color of the bullet/numbering. You see it on the tab Customize of the list style. And it is the character style “NumberingSymbols”