How do I prevent LibreOffice from capitalising a particular word

I am writing a document that has a table listing usernames and passwords. When I type a password and then tab to the next column it changes the first letter to a capital. How do I tell it “don’t alter this word”?

I know I can undo the change using Ctrl-Z, but it does it again when I edit the document.

I can turn off the AutoCorrect option “Capitalise first letter of every sentence”, but that is a global option which affects not only the whole document, but all new documents I type. What I was hoping for is a way to turn it off for a specific part of the document, maybe just for the word alone, or perhaps for the password column or for the whole table.

The same question applies to URL recognition. If the username contains an @ symbol, it gets treated as a hyperlink, and I would like to turn that feature off for entries in the username column.

See this question. Based on that, I’ve implemented that in tdf#121779 for version 6.3, due to release in summer 2019.

Wrt @ in a particular column - it’s not possible. You either may disable URL recognition totally, or have it active everywhere.

Not quite the same thing. I would end up with an auto-correct exception list containing everyone’s password! I was hoping for a way to flag a section of text as “don’t mess with this”, in the same way you can highlight some text and specify Language / For Selection / None (Do not check spelling). Any other workarounds?

Well - as I said, there’s no way to mark parts of text as “do not apply autocorrection”. But you have written “How do I tell it “don’t alter this word”?”, and “What I was hoping for is a way to turn it off for a specific part of the document, maybe just for the word alone”. Well - how do you expect to disable something for a single word when it isn’t yet typed, if not by placing to some exception list? And when you already have typed it, you are done with autocorrection.

Simply define a hotkey to toggle autocorrection (look for While Typing in the Format category of Customize dialog), and use it before/after passwords. Don’t think there will be other possible workflow.

“Well - how do you expect to disable something for a single word when it isn’t yet typed, if not by placing to some exception list?” - I thought it might be possible by a mechanism similar to highlighting a word and selecting “Do not check spelling” as I mentioned above. Thanks for the suggestion of toggling “While Typing”

@mikekaganski: Thanks for your fix and linking the bug.
As this question still lacks a clear answer here it goes:

  1. In LibreOffice open Tools > AutoCorrect > AutoCorrect Options…
  2. Open “Exceptions” tab in the section "Wrods With TWo INitial CApitals or sMALL iNITIAL add the word you want to exclude
  3. e.g. write “macOS” to that field and then click “New” to add the word to the exclusion list
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