Unable to open LO files from File Explorer

Today I uninstalled older version of LO. I installed newest version from Windows 10 App Store. I still am unable to open LO files from File Explorer - either by clicking on file or by using ‘open with’.

I am able to access files from the LO app itself.

I would rather be able to click on LO file in File Explorer.

“None of my spreadsheets or docs will open”

How do they “not open”? What are you doing to try and open these files?

Please edit your original question or add a comment to provide your response.

First of all - what is the case?

  1. Title of this post states “LO will not open” – while –
  2. The detailed description states “None of my spreadsheets or docs will open

And of course 2. will be a direct consequence of 1. So please clarify, if 1. is the case and fix this before trying to open files by whatever means and of whatever file extension (.odt, .ods, …)

And btw.: What do you mean by “I believe …”? If you downloaded a version and you are not sure, if it is the latest one, just tell us what you’ve downloaded from where and I’m pretty sure someone might be able to tell you whether this is the latest version. And one more thing. Just dowloading the software would of course not assure that you can use it. You need to install the software (I mean with that, that you force readers of your post to make assumptions, since you don’t tell the facts precisely enough).

I installed the the software. What I meant to say is I believe it’s the latest version. The file type for my documents and spreadsheets are ODT and ODS respectively.

When I double click on the file, it will not open. When I use Open With - and click on Libre Office, it will not open.

OK - then please try to start LibreOffice without double click or choosing from “Open With”. This starts to sound like LibreOffice isn’t properly installed / or there is a problem with your LibreOffice / OpenOffice user profile - see item 1. in my comment above. You may find the start at Windows “Start” (Icon rightmost in Windows task bar) under letter “L” - you may also find a start option “LibreOffice (Safe Mode)” - Try this, if the start of “LibreOffice” (first entry unter LibreOffice 6.2) doesn’t work.

I just discovered I can open my files from the Start menu. I would like to be able to open them via File Manager. Do you think I should uninstall and re-install. The version is installed on 6/3/19.

This statement confuses me completely. What do you mean by “Open your files from the start menu”. From the Start menu you can open programs but not files. Does this mean :

  • I can start LibreOffice from the Start menu and
  • Use File -> Open and selecting a file

and then it opens? If that’s true and it shows you are using the more it gets important, when did you download which version and when did you install that version.

Please see my edited original question. I would like to be able to open my LO files from File Explorer.

Yes, I accessed the program from Start menu.

“I installed newest version from Windows 10 App Store”

Please note that there’s no official LibreOffice distribution available from Windows Store.

I may have misspoke. I installed from LibreOffice download website. I solved my issue. I can now open my files from File Manager. I just needed to make LO the default. Thanks to everyone for helping me.

Are you trying to open files from within LO, that is using the File - Open menu item or simply double-clicking the file in the file manager? If you’re trying the latter, try the former and if this works then in your file manager, right-click on the file and choose open with… libreoffice.

Most problems of this kind on Windows are caused by an update of Windows. It can happen that the file allocation is no longer correct. In this respect, I assume that you open the files in the file explorer. You should restore the file allocation. How to do it is here.

I think you mean “file association”, not file allocation