How do I make libreoffice automatically convert comma to dot in the dates column but not in the currency column?

I have a column with dates and a column with currency. Dates are separated by dots, currency by comma. I have a numpad that has a comma.

How do I make libreoffice automatically convert comma to dot in the dates column but not in the currency column?

The goal is to enter 24,03,2020 and after leaving the cell, it is being converted into 24.03.2020 or 24.03.20 ie a date object.

Hello, Lenny,

if the date column really contains date values, you only have to change the format.
So format the cells with Ctrl + 1 and then select the correct format for number categories.
If your date column contains strings, the easiest way to convert them into a date format is to use [Data] [Text in columns]. Then select your preferred format. Done.
If you want to use Search and Replace to replace the commas with dots in any case, you only have to select the column you want to replace before you execute the command. Then only there will be replaced.

I hope this helped you.
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Best regards


I suppose that @LennyWerle talks about entering new dates, not about formatting existing values.

Mike is right. The goal is to enter 24,03,2020 and after leaving the cell, it is being converted into 24.03.2020 or 24.03.20 ie a date object.

Mike’s answer is perfect. So I spare myself the suggestion with search and replace (incl. regex) to change the string. Unfortunately this is not completely automatic.

You can’t. Pressing the relevant button on the numpad will only result in one of them - either the one that is sent by OS, or the decimal separator of your locale (see Decimal Separator Key on Languages options page).

But you may create a workaround: define a date acceptance pattern like D,M,Y on the same options page. Then the input with the “wrong” separator would be accepted as a date, and will get formatted according to the locale used (so , will turn . as you want) - after entering.