If calculations

I created a little sheet with check boxes, for simplicity, we’ll call one of these A1.
In another cell I have "IF(A1=“X”, B2/B3). If I put an X in A1 all that shows up is TRUE and not the value of B2/B3.
What am I doing wrong?

so what was the formatting error?! I am having the same problem, kindly reply ASAP!

Figured it out, just a formatting error

Also note, please, that your conditional expression (“IF()-expression”) is incomplete as it does not provide an alternative subexpression for the case A1<>“X”. The function will therefore return the logical value ‘FALSE’ in the ‘FalseCase’. As the cell containing the formula is likely to not possess an explicitly set ‘NumberFormat’ it will automatically format to ‘Boolean Value’ if A1 was initially empty (or otherwise <>“X”). This format will persist if later on the ‘TrueCase’ is to evaluate.

As any numerical value NotEqual zero is accepted as representing ‘TRUE’, this is what you will see - except having explicitly set anothet ‘NumberFormat’.

(Cf http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part2.pdf#page=137&zoom=auto,129.6,345.9)