How do i write as much as it's possible in as few pages as it s possible?

I need to write a lot of informations using as few papers as it s possible. i used orizontal, three columns and characters size 9. what else can i do? i need to print itm, it needs to be clear enough so i can read it.

please if you are satisfied with one of the answers mark it as accepted answer. Thank you

Try Char Size 8, use a smaller font Arial Narrow instaed of Arial or some fonts (condensed), smallest margin possible to print. Thats all I got.

Basically what you’re asking for is impossible. Even if you find something like that, it’ll hurt your eyes since they’re not built for reading something that small.


  • smallest font size (like 8, although there are even smaller ones, but usually aren’t readable)

  • small non-fixed width font (you can easily google for more fonts); condensed

  • minimize the page margins

  • specific superscript sizes (smallest ones aren’t readable)


Rather than reducing the font size I would try to print two pages per sheet. LibreOffice allows this via FilePrintPage LayoutPages per sheet.


You can do one of these or every one of them:

  • Make margins narrower (Format >> Page >> Page)
  • Reduce line spacing (space between lines and paragraphs) (Format >> Paragraphs >> Indents & Spacing)
  • Use page columns (Format >> Page >> Columns)
  • Reduce font size

I use some of this as I print postage labels and I have limited space

All the tips above are good. Experiment with the line spacing and squeeze the lines together, reduce margins and gaps at the top and bottom of the pages (columns) to the point that you can still read it. But the most useful tip may be to select a font that’s well-designed and compact. Times New Roman is okay, but other fonts with larger x-heights may be more legible at smaller point size: like Georgia.

Trust us - don’t do it.

Don’t create anything for printing which uses fonts smaller than 11 point.

Never reduce the spacing between lines below 100% and never crush characters together as it makes the text very difficult and tiring to read.