Calc Tools Options not saved

Hi all,
a member of the forum suggested me to enable to solve a problem. I did then pressed OK to save it and everything worked fine but when I re-opened the file the above option wasnt setted.
Further investigation in LibreOffice-Advanced-Expert Configuration showed that .../Calculate/Other_RegularExpressions is set to true and is always set to true while the check box returns blank after every launch of Calc.

Is it possible to have the flag permanently setted?

Thank you in advance

P.S. I use LO Version:

Sorry. I clicked the wrong tag. This is not a duplicate queastion

If using regular expressions in a spreadsheet saved in xls or xlsx format then each time spreadsheet is opened regular expressions must be enabled. Regular expression are not supported by Excel by excel so it seems sensible that by default regular expressions are disabled when opening an xls or xlsx file.

If regular expressions are wanted by default save in ods format.

Thank you. I will evaluate your suggestion since .xls file are on Dropbox and Im not sure the other members can read .ods files.

If an ODS file with regular expressions is opened in Excel, formulas using regular expressions will be evaluated and the values will be put into the cells (instead of the formulas). So effectively Excel can read regular expressions but not write regular expressions.

@brocehohl: It should not be a question of reading and writing, but of reliably evaluating to the unchanged result. As there are many variants of RegEx syntax and of engines evaluating them, using RegEx always is a challenge to interoperability, and should be avoided where possible in “volatile” documents. There are differences, and it might not be the best idea to wait for nasty errors and to investigate the reasons subsequently.