I am doing some macro work in Calc. Having made my macro do what I want on the ActiveSheet, it occurred to me that it should be able to work on all selected sheets. A bit of looking and I stumbled on getSelectedSheets() which (purportedly) does exactly what I need. Except it is a Method (Member Function) of XSelectedSheetsSupplier - and I can find nothing about creating an object that provides the XSelectedSheetsSupplier interface.
In general, the API documentation (such as it is) tells me what interfaces and functions an object provides, but nothing I’ve ever seen shows me what returns an object type. I uusually end up Googling for it - and in this case I can find that XSelectedSheetsSupplier is in the com.sun.star.sheet namespace and has .idl files in the builds, and that is it.
So how can I find out what returns an XSelectedSheetsSupplier object?
PS. Having wasted four days trying to find it, I gave up and found a different way to do the job, based on processing CurrentSelection.