I’m trying to create a macro that deletes the contents of cells A4:C59 as well as cells E4:H59, and by “delete” I’m referring to the action performed when a cell is selected and the ‘Delete’ key is pressed on the keyboard; I’d like to keep style/formatting untouched and I’d like this macro to be accessible from any spreadsheet.
I know I’m being lazy, but 99.9% of the time I use Calc I’m simply copying sheets and then deleting the cells previously mentioned. If I used Calc more often and/or used Calc to do other things I’d happily read through all the tutorials and guides and learn to do this myself. The fact is I don’t though and I just spent most of this morning trying to find how to do this to no avail.
I also tried using the ‘Record Macro’ tool but I must’ve done something wrong because the cells deleted while recording the macro != the cells deleted when running the macro.
I’m using LO in Debian if that makes a difference.