Adding the total of the same sentence across multiple worksheets in a simplified formula

Hello everyone, I’m new here. I created a spreadsheet in Calc containing several other spreadsheets in tabs (Jan, Feb… to Dec) and a last tab containing the Year Totals spreadsheet. In each of the previous spreadsheets (Jan to Dec), in the range of column C between C10 to C605 and each of them, the phrase “Deleted Process” may appear. My goal is that in the tab:

=SUM(COUNTIF($Dec.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Nov.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Oct.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Sep.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Aug.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Jun.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($May.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);COUNTIF($Apr.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);CONT.IF($Mar.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);CONT.IF($Feb.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);CONT.IF($Jan.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”);CONT.IF($Jul.C10:C605,“Process DELETED”))

I would just like to obtain this same formula in a more simplified way, so that I don’t have to keep repeating the term to be searched (Deleted Process), as well as try to define a search interval between the searched spreadsheets to avoid typing the same command line for each spreadsheet.

I tried to look for the solution on AI websites, none of the suggested formulas were recognized by Calc, including the apparently leaner and more coherent =SUM(COUNTIF(Dec:Jan.c10:C605;“Deleted Process”)) also didn’t work, I tried several combinations between functions and so far I have only been successful with the longest formula. I use Calc version 24.8.

you should go back to a simpler design, technically there is NO reason to start on a new sheet every month!


There is not a new spreadsheet for each month, there are 13 spreadsheets in total: The first 12 spreadsheets represent each month of the year and spreadsheet 13 (Year Total) receives the accumulated totals of the information from the spreadsheets for each month, such as the total number of times the information “Deleted Process” was recorded in each spreadsheet for each month.

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