LO means Libre Office in this document.
Select Machine in office that will be best candidate as server. This machine must be able to be left on all the time and not have a large load like being used to watch movies (remember, talking small business here).
Ensure business has a backup routine functioning
Open port 3050 on firewall of server (Windows Defender Firewall is the default on Windows10, check that other malware preventers are not adding other blocks)
Given that this is a small business, you will want to log into their router and check the DHCP settings. Ensure that the IP address assigned to the server machine does not expire too quickly or make it static.
For Admin Use I chose to install dbeaver Download | DBeaver Community
To use it must have line in firebird.conf (in /Program Files/Firebird/) WireCrypt = Enabled - bounce service after changing
- don’t use ODBC to connect from LO, but installing the ODBC drivers from Firebird includes some handy tools contained in the ODBC driver. Backup, Restore, Maint and Users. These are accessed through a Services button on the ODBC DSN setup screens.
– manual: https://www.firebirdsql.org/file/documentation/reference_manuals
Take the following steps on all machines to be used.
Install Java JRE - get it at Java.com . Be aware the default Windows download gives you the 32bit version. You have to navigate to find the 64bit Win10 version
Install LO - bitness match
Install latest Firebird – bitness match to Win10
- if it is the Server – full install
- for the Client machines – just client section. Note: Using LO as the front end probably precludes the need for this but you may want it on the client machines so why not now?
- Install Firebird JDBC – bitness match
- get it at https://www.firebirdsql.org/en/jdbc-driver/
- note that it is not an "register library" like ODBC. You must unpack it somewhere. I chose to put it with the other Java stuff at “program files\java” but this required playing with folder permissions. I assume it could go anywhere.
- add to LO Class Path on Tools-Options-Advanced : The Class Path button on the right side of form. Browse to where you unpacked the Jaybird (Firebird JDBC) and select the Jaybird*Full* jar file.
In LO select new database → open existing database - use jdbc option
for jdbc connection use
In the jdbc: field use:
For local machine connection (on the server machine): firebirdsql:oo:localhost/3050:c:\users\john\documents\apercudb\apercu.fdb?charSet=UTF-8
For remote machines: firebirdsql:oo://\DISEÑOS\Apercu\apercu.fdb?charSet=UTF-8
Obviously the IP address needs to be the correct one for the Firebird server.
In the Class field put: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
Save the LO Base “document” on the server for central use. Note that the LO Base document contains all the various important client objects like Forms. So when you develop a Form for all the client machines to use, you must get it in every LO Base document that the client machines use. So storing it in a central place makes sense for that issues. However I assume it means the individual clients don’t get to save their respective customizations (sort orders etc).
It would be nice if there was an easy way to distribute those obects (Forms, etc). Otherwise, you can open two different Base documents and copy-paste the objects between. Works fine.
Hope this helps others.