Some ideas to improve visibility:
- Have @discobot send newly registered users a pointer to the page. (This would work for wiki pages as well.) In fact I believe it does that already and point to the FAQ, but given how few have read it it might not work anymore due to our SAML-based authentication. Either way it would only for for English, since at registration time we don’t know yet which categories the user intends to participate in.
- Gamification: Assign a badge to people who read the category-specific guidelines (for any category). Discourse already does that for the FAQ, but this is unsuitable for us since it’s not localized. We could either redefine that badge or make a new one. Of course, this would only work if said guidelines are builtin into AskLibO, not if they live in another site.
- When someone tries to post and hasn’t read the guidelines yet (or has last read N days before their last post), link to them in a dialog overlaying the preview pane. (Discourse does that when one is trying to link to a URL that’s already linked. Greying out the various CreatePost buttons until the user has read the guidelines would be nice, but I don’t know if the UI has the logic logic for that.)
No idea how hard it would be to implement these, but in principle it should be doable.