Ask/Getting Started from old to new?

Sometimes it’s easier than one might think :grinning:

Can you please delete the existing question:

This is the guide: How to use the Ask site?

I have copied out the contents.

However, I cannot create a new title in “About the English category” as long as this question still exists.

Thank you. Feedback after deletion would be great.

I think you can do that yourself, expand the menu at the bottom of the question and click the trashbin icon.

No, the bin indicates “you do not have permission to delete”.

Alright then, done.

Since the system only wanted to allow 3 answers this time, I packed the answers into one.

Nice! Formatting nitpick: You used paragraphs in bold face instead of headings. While the rendering looks similar, you don’t get auto-anchoring this way. Discourse’s flavor of markdown has a syntax for this # Heading, ## Sub-Heading, ### Subsub-Heading etc. This has clearer semantics and anchors are automatically generated.

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So, now it should be right (?)