Base Report. Time difference function

My DB has two time fields StartTime, EndTime, both of which occur on the same day.

If I make a function in the ORB


a text field with that function prints the end time exactly as expected.

A function with [EndTime]-[StartTime] prints all zeros.

Making a Query with [EndTime]-[StartTime] works as expected, printing the difference in hours.

What is the proper formatting for this function?

I suggest extracting the hour and minute and doing the calculation without a built-in function. In short, you can get the minute difference with this:

 ( HOUR( "EndTime" ) - HOUR( "StartTime" ) ) * 60 + ( MINUTE( "EndTime" ) - MINUTE( "StartTime" ) )

For a formatted ‘hh:mm’ output, this query does a little more work:

SELECT "StartTime", "EndTime", 
CONCAT( CONCAT( "hours", ':' ), ( "minutes" - ( "hours" * 60 ) ) ) "DiffTime"
  SELECT "PriKey", "StartTime", "EndTime", ( HOUR( "EndTime" ) - HOUR( "StartTime" ) ) * 60 + 
    ( MINUTE( "EndTime" ) - MINUTE( "StartTime" ) ) "minutes", 
  ( ( HOUR( "EndTime" ) - HOUR( "StartTime" ) ) * 60 
    + ( MINUTE( "EndTime" ) - MINUTE( "StartTime" ) ) ) / 60 "hours"
  FROM "Table1" 
) AS "subquery"

Alternatively, if your variables are DATETIME and not just TIME, you can use the DATEDIFF function documented in the HSQLDB v1.8 manual.

There are other ways to accomplish this result also, for example, in a Basic macro.

EDIT: Renamed the fields in the second query to be consistent with the first.

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[comment deleted]

This SQL incorrectly configures the minutes when end is less than start.
See Base Query SQL Time difference problems - #11 by FKlusmann
I have learned that Base, HSQLDB, and Firebird handle DATE, TIME, and INTERVAL as the same. Therefore one needs to look for DATE operations to work with TIME. @Ratslayer provided solutions for Firebird in the link above. This works for HSQLDB and shows my thoughts.
` /* Q_Time_Differences (on the same day) */
SELECT “PriKey”, “StartTime”, “EndTime”,

DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) / 60 AS “LapsedHrs”,
DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) AS “LapsedMins”,
DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) / 60.00 AS “LapsedHrsDecimal”,

(continued below)

(from above)

/* LapsedMins - LapsedHrs * 60 /
(DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”)) - ((DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) / 60) * 60) AS “MoreMins”,
LapsedHrs pipes : pipes MoreMins */
(DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) / 60) || ‘:’ || ((DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”)) - ((DATEDIFF(‘MINUTE’,“StartTime”,“EndTime”) / 60) * 60)) As “ElapsedTime”
FROM “Table1”