Macro BASIC Windows 10 Pro
whilst amateur and seeing what can be done programming wise using Basic macros
i have been able to display shapes on a Calc sheet and after a time got part of the EXTURSION api to work
ProjectionMode.PARALLEL ok however ProjectionMode.PERSPECTIVE dosn’ appear to work
So using
oShape = oDoc.createInstance(“”)
oShape.CustomShapeEngine = “”
this gives access to the service…EnhancedCustomShapeExtrusion
of which some examples
extu(0).Name = “Extrusion”
extu(0).Value = TRUE
extu(2).Name = “Origin”
extu(2).Value = org
extu(3).Name = “ViewPoint”
extu(3).Value = vpt
extu(4).Name = “skew”
extu(4).Value = skw
above appear to work …also show in .fods file (calc)
extu(5).Name = “Metal”
extu(5).Value = TRUE
and importanly
extu(1).Name = “ProjectionMode”
extu(1).Value = DOSNT APPEAR to work
, just shows default PARALLEL the skew appear to work.
i say appear as my first question is is the above syntax for a ENUM (PERSPECTIVE) correct ?
Further to this I have found in the pdf book “Custom Shape Tutorial “ by Regina Henschel that calc sheets can be stored in .fods format
so use macro to draw (extrude shape?) save under .fods format open using note pad varous attributes appear “ Extrusion” (TRUE), “Skew” , “origin” but “ProjectionMode” PERSPECTIVE dosnt just as a side point nor does metal .
However if in the .fods I cut and paste dr3rd:perspective amongst the atubutes ,save and refresh calc then the perpspective on the shape works ? Also where did dr3d come from not mentioned in the API docs as I can see.
To recape is extu(1) .Value = correct for using a ENUM … PERSPECTIVE ? If so why does it not appear in the .fods or work on calc basic macro
is there an unpublished dr3d service to be taken into account?
To recap using basic macro api is it possible to extrude a shspe in PERSPECTIVE ?
Or is this a possible bug ?
I would appreciate any respose even if its LibraOffice can only do so mush we don’t know !