Bulk convert PDF to .doc

Is there functionality within LibreOffice to do a bulk convert of various pdfs into word docs?

There is no such function in LO. PDF is seen as a graphical format (images). Consequently, it is impossible to recover text flow.

@ajlittoz missed the link below ?? :face_with_monocle:

@fpy Have read @oweng’s answer there?

Any PDF opens in Draw. The fact you can save it later in any format doesn’t change the result: a PDF is a sequence of -images. Text flow is not rebuilt. You don’t get paragraphs and other text abstract objects. You end up with a collection of graphical shapes unrelated to each other.

Rebuilding a text document from a PDF must be done manually or through some third-party utility.

Please let me state first, that the following is only to address one incorrect statement, but it does not change in any way the whole result - I totally agree that the imported PDF isn’t a true Writer document in any case, which would use paragraphs, styles, etc.

Now - it is not correct that “any PDF opens in Draw”. When you import using writer_pdf_import filter, the PDF is imported straight into Writer document model. But it is done using the same primitives - drawing objects like textboxes. It might improve in some future, but now it is what it is.

or contact the creator of the PDF document with a request to provide the same information in the form of a Word file

And since the question concerns conversion “into word docs”, you should take Microsoft’s word and use their tool (and LibreOffice is not needed at all in this case).

Well, please try open it with “PDF - Portable Document Format (Writer)” or convert it with macro - TryItWithMacro.pdf (389.6 KB)

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could also definitely see it was from 2016, as compared to the one I linked (from 2020)

no offense, but I may address this as quite incorrect as well.
I think I prefer the way you stated it back there :

and to be clear to the interested future readers : creating a pdf with Writer, then reopening it with Writer, you get a splitted line by line text.

anywayz, the OP is just about converting to doc.

as a start

not sure the --convert-to option can cope with it, though.
some macro might be needed.