Calc index sheet with links to the corresponding sheet

I have a Calc sheet with 18 sheets. I want to create an index sheet so that the end user can click on the name they are looking for and it will take them to the corresponding sheet.

I have created multiple sheets in one document which contain specific information about different sites. I want to create an index page that will have hyperlinks so that the end user can click on the desired site and it would take them to the corresponding sheet where they will find additional information.

When I use the Hyperlink command I get an error "Site XX " is not an absolute URL that can be passed to an external application to open it. The syntax is…


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Hello @,

To make your hyperlink jump to a named Sheet, for example “Sheet2”, you could just use the jump mark “#” in front of the sheet name, e.g.:

=HYPERLINK("#Sheet2"; "CTRL-Click here to go to Sheet2")

NB. This locale uses the semicolon “;” as argument separator. If your locale uses the comma instead, then change the semicolon into a comma.

The syntax for the sheet and cell in the question is =HYPERLINK("#'161.119.139'.D222"; "CTRL-Click here to go to Sheet2").