Calc is converting date to fractions

All of a sudden when I enter a calendar date in a Calc cell it shows up as a fraction.

Example when enter 1/1 it shows up as
image description

The cells are formatted properly.

How do I fix this?

It keeps happening even after I open a new Calc sheet.
Also happens after I remove and install LO.


Windows 10 Pro 20H2

Example when enter 1/1

Are you sure, that you didn’t enter 1/2 ?


The cells are formatted properly.

Formatting cells in general does not affect input interpretation. And now there is a AutoCorrect entry in the replacement table at Tools -> AutoCorrect Options...-> Tab: Replace, which obviously takes precedence of input recogniction (i.e. AutoCorrection occurs before your input is being interpreted/recognized as a valid date)

You have 2 options now:

  1. Disable use of replacement table in Tools -> AutoCorrect Options...-> Tab: Options -> [ ] Use replacement table –or–
  2. Remove the entry from the replacement table (see screenshot above and use Delete button). Attention The entry appears twice: One entry is :1/2: and the other is 1/2 - you need to scroll down.

Hope that helps.


I entered it as 1/2 for the date
It shows up as a fraction
As I showed in OP.

I disable the Auto Correct.
I think that will work.


If the answer works for you, please consider to click the check mark (:heavy_check_mark:) next to the answer. Thanks in advance …