… you to those who think the demands of non-paying users should be ignored, I to those who think if you lure users with sayings like ‘the office suite you always wanted’, you create a demand that you should face up to,
you to those who think the users are the problem, I to those who think ‘fundamental mistakes unsolved for 12 years’ also contribute to it,
you to those who think too much ‘pretension’ is the problem, I to those who think too little potent developers are also a problem,
you to those who think ‘most of it is ok’, I to those who have talents to find faults where others think it is impossible that there are any,
you to those who are sensitive to criticism or consider it harmful and therefore ‘fight’ it, I to those who think that ‘glossing over’ is wrong, the problems have to be put on the table and worked off,
and so on …