Calc Sheet Activate event?

Is there an event for sheet Activation in a Calc document?

I want to take some action in code when a sheet is activated.
Is there a listener? Is this possible?

I created an Calc Sheet Activation Event Example over on Live LibreOffice Python UNO Examples.

The example can be run in a Codespace (directy in browser) on GitHub.


Contextual menu in tab sheet, select Sheet Events... and set your macro in: Activate Document

@elmau From the OQ, I understand he wants to intercept a sheet change event, not the document activation one.

@vib If I understand your question correctly, no there’s currently no such event as Sheet change that could be specified in the document events. You’ll have to set a listener for that.

Here’s how I do it, from some working code:

Option Explicit


Public gHandlingSheetChangeEvent As Boolean		'flag that avoids to fire the same event twice
Public goSheetChangeListener As Object			'the listener
Public gListenerFlag As Boolean					'flag the listener execution


Sub RegisterSheetChangeEventListener

	If Not gListenerFlag Then
	    goSheetChangeListener = CreateUnoListener("SheetChangeListener_", "" )
	    gListenerFlag = True
	    gHandlingSheetChangeEvent = False
    End If

End Sub 'RegisterMyActivationEventListener

Sub UnRegisterSheetChangeEventListener

	If gListenerFlag Then
	    gHandlingSheetChangeEvent = False
	    gListenerFlag = False
    End If

End Sub 'UnRegisterMyActivationEventListener

Sub SheetChangeListener_activeSpreadsheetChanged(ByRef pEvt As Object)
'Fires when the sheet was changed.
'Ensures the selected cell is the one after the last used.
'pEvt.ActiveSheet holds the new sheet object.

	Dim lo_Cell As Object

    If Not gHandlingSheetChangeEvent Then
	    gHandlingSheetChangeEvent = True

		'----- do your stuff here -----

	    gHandlingSheetChangeEvent = False
    End If

End Sub 'SheetChangeListener_activeSpreadsheetChanged

Sub SheetChangeListener_disposing()
End Sub 'SheetChangeListener_disposing


He says clearly: sheet Activation

The event is named misleadingly “Activate Document”. Simply check it out.

This is a similar approach I figured out for python.

I implemented XActivationEventListener and attached to CurrenControler of Document.
See Also: XActivationBroadcaster


Everything about this event is interesting. :slightly_smiling_face:
In the list of sheet events its name is OnFocus, in the user interface Activate Document.
Here is an example of a macro to handle the event (see @elmau 's first answer):

Sub OnActivation()
  Msgbox "Sheet activation"
End Sub

Instead of an event struct, the macro gets the StarDesktop as argument.