Cannot install version 6.3.2

I am using Win 7. and downloaded version 6.3.2.
On trying to run the MSI package I was met with the message---- This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this was a valid Windows Installation Package.
In the past I have downloaded Packages for other versions but this is the first time I have experienced this message. Could someone please advise me.
Yours sincerely Robert Aucote.

You likely have saved the MSI in a location inaccessible by system account (e.g.,your downloads directory only has permissions for your user, without any access fir system). Try copying into another directory (even directly to c:) and retry. And note that 6.3.3 was released today.

You seem to fight the same thing as in your previous question here Cannot update via Windows Installer. So it looks like you got the issue a second time.

You are quite right Mike thank very much. I am now forwarned .R.E.Aucote.
Opaque: You are right, but not at all helpfull in the slightest.