Can't set default font and size in Draw 7.6

I followed the online info and it said to
Open Styles on the right,
Right click on “object with no fill and no line”
Select Edit Style
I set the Font to Veranda, and the size to 10 pt. and clicked on OK (I am using Draw as a replacement for Visio, not PowerPoint)
Then I selected Update Style

I then Inserted a Text Box and the Font come out as Liberation Serif 24 pt.
I went back and repeated the process for “object without fill” and retested. Same results.

I then close Draw and reopened the file I was working with. Inserted a Text Box and the Font come out as Liberation Serif 24 pt.

But if I look at Default Styles under Styles they are set to Veranda 10 pt.

Am I missing a step?

Change the Default Drawing Style

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This answer from a couple of years ago is still valid and covers making a default template, How to change the default text size in Draw 7.2 - #2 by EarnestAl

(You might link to the help page you are referring to.)
Changed styles or newly created styles are only applied to shapes to which they are assigned.
Every shape is first created based on the style settings made for the Default Drawing Style. If no settings are made there for the used document template, hard-coded defaults are used.
Afaik there is no way to assign a different styles depending on the shape type to be used during creation. But user defined shape styles hierarchically placed under the Default Shape Style will inherit. However, such styles will again not distinguish shape types. (You can assign myRectangleStyle e.g. to a polygon.