Change colour in LO formula editor (Math application)

I want to change the colour of part of a formula. Like,

V_I^2 ~=~ {alignc 2 lbrace p_E - p_S ~-~ g[%rho_{1}(z_S - z_E) ~-~ {%rho_1} over {2} (V_S^2 ~-~ V_E^2)] rbrace} over {alignc %rho_1 D_1^4 sum from{i = 1} to {N} f_i {alignc L_i} over {D_i^5} }

How do I do this? I cannot see how.


A similar question:

color some_color { what_is_to_be_coloured }

The name of supported colours is in the Attributes properties when you select this item in the format side panel menu in the formula editor.

I changed tag writer to math as this question is not Writer-specific.

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It did work. Thanks!