Change direction of word in Context (LibreOffice Writer)

You know the problem in putting a complex phrase in another direction in a context will cause problem in view.

For example I need to change direction of 1234 (5678) in this context:

Lorem ipsum dolor, consectetur 1234
adipisicing elit, sed do

But when I click on the button to change the direction of highlighted text, it changes direction of whole line.

Is there any way to change direction of only 1234 (5678)?

Thanks a lot.

If you have enabled “complex text layout” (CTL) support, you should find “Right to left mark” and “Left to right mark” in menu Insert > Formatting mark. The marks themselves are invisible, but you can see them working, when you look at the cursor. It has a little tick at the top towards right or left to indicate the writing direction.

Also refer the answer here and note the Unicode directionality character pairings.