changing form values on load

I have a db that holds a text field that holds a URL for images that can be loaded via a button.
I am using a separate form that has an image control to show the image. What is the best way to set the control source and display the form.
Using Access2Base.
Form loads visible despite option set, and then reloads with correct image.


Please do not create a new question just because of added information. Simply edit the existing question.

Original (now closed) here → changing form values on load


I do not use Access2Base except for minor testing. Have answered this situation using Basic code.

See this post → base - how to pass parameters between forms

The answer contains two different solutions. The first is to simply open the image using an image viewer on your OS. This is done through a ‘Shell’ command. The second method is by passing the record key between forms using a macro. This is found in the ‘Edit’ portion of the answer as a link to another answer. This subsequent answer poses two methods. One using a Global variable and another without. The sample there contains the code for both methods.