Clear only a few items from Recent Documents

Good morning everyone!
Is it possible to delete only some items from the “Recent documents” list, leaving the others there, without having to delete them all? and if so, how? Thank you.

Duplicato in: Cancellare solo alcune voci da Documenti recenti.

Use the cross at the top right:

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Thank you very much! it was what I needed! One more thing: is it possible to show only Calc compatible documents (xls, etc…) in Calc Recent Documents and only recent Writer compatible Documents (doc, etc…) in Writer?

Use the filter listbox on top, see Mike’s image. (available only since LO 7.5 though, see ReleaseNotes, GUI General change.

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That menu changes the setting equally for Calc and for Writer, whereas I would like only Calc documents to be visible in Calc and only Writer documents in Writer.

There is no “in Calc” or “in Writer”. It’s one application with some modules and the Start Center is for all.