I am using Writer Version: Build ID: 420m0(Build:3) on Ubuntu 12.04. The latest update has changed everything again (most annoying!) and now no colours are selectable for fonts, highlighting or background! With the paint can icon or with the text selected first you are supposed to then click the arrow next to the font colour (or highlight/background) icon - but there are no arrows!!! This was a problem before in a previous version. What do we do now - kep sending bug reports?
Thanks to ROSt52 in answer to an earlier question, I have been able to add the font colour and highlight icons to the formatting toolbar and they work there!
“Steps needed: View > Toolbars > Customize > select the toolbar you want to have the icon attached to > Add > Category: Format, Command: Font color > Add > OK”
Also could
“right click on the text > Character > Font Effect > select the color needed > OK”
This might be better rather than chaging tolbar settings.
However I would prefer to move them to the right hand end of the toolbar - any way?
Also when I make these changes it freezes my Ubuntu OS and I have to force a shut down - happens every time I change writer settings!