I have a form where a field Startdatum is formatted as DD-MM-YYYY, I now want to insert the data on display in the form into another table which has a similar named and formatted field
The macro code I puzzled together is:
Sub insertarch
Dim DatabaseContext As Object
Dim DataSource As Object
Dim opand as object
Dim olid as object
Dim spand as integer
Dim slid as integer
Dim sstartdat as date
Dim oForm as object
Dim oConn as object
Dim oQuery as object
oForm = ThisComponent.Drawpage.Forms.getByName("MainForm")
opand = oForm.getByName("fmtPandidnr")
olid = oForm.getByName("fmtLidnr")
spand = opand.getCurrentValue()
slid = olid.getCurrentValue()
DatabaseContext = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
DataSource = DatabaseContext.getByName("volks") Rem My DB name
oConn = DataSource.getConnection("","")
oQuery = oConn.CreateStatement()
SQL = "INSERT INTO ""Pandenarchief"" (""pandidnr"",""lididnr"",""Startdatum"") values ('" & spand & "','" & slid & "','"& sstartdat &"')"
End Sub
When I run that I get an error: Conversion error from string '00:00:00" but as far as I can see, all involved have been defined as dates, not time or datetime. Where do I go wrong?
[Edit - Opaque] Changed code to pre-formatted text for better readability