convert-to PDF command line with comments

Hello, I need to convert MSWord document to PDF with keeping document comments on linux server without GUI using command line.

I use following command line: soffice --headless --invisible --nocrashreport --nodefault --nologo --nofirststartwizard --norestore --convert-to pdf --outdir {OUT_DIR} {FILE}

From Libre Office help:

To export comments of Writer documents as they are shown in LibreOffice, choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - Print and select the In margins option in the Comments area. The exported pages will be scaled down and the comments will be placed into their margins.

How can I configure that option without access to GUI?


Aside: many of the used options are either redundant or obsolete, and their use looks like cargo-cult:

  • --invisible - implied by --headless, so not needed on its own here
  • --nocrashreport - obsolete, has no meaning in LibreOffice
  • --nodefault - has no meaning in headless mode
  • --nologo - has no meaning in headless mode
  • --nofirststartwizard - obsolete, has no meaning in LibreOffice

See this and this Q&As for discussion how to configure export options for following use in headless operations.