OK, here we go again. I don’t see how to comment on QBit’s second answer, so I’m posting as an “answer” myself.
I have used LO to convert .doc and .odt to PDF, with success. I have never tried HTML before, but HTML → PDF is in the documentation as working, and in my immediate experience it does except for this anomaly.
I agree it is quite possible that I am describing two separate problems. It is also two contemporaneous and colocated instances of unexpected behavior. In my experience it is safer to report something like that, than not.
I’m about 95% sure that the form being two pages long when all the data is on one page is a flat out bug.
I do not know whether having LO produce a fillable form if input doc contains <form> tags, and a static PDF if it does not is as designed, or not. I find that if I use the GUI to export a PDF of the form file, it will default to a static document, and that I must tell it to export a form. The command line flat out does a form, period, the end. I do find it odd that the GUI and the command line should have different defaults, as they appear to.
The idea that the command line would take the options that cannot be specified on the command line from the last settings in the GUI came from a thread here on “ask” last spring. The docs are silent on the subject. I’ve commented on that thread that there are, at least, exceptions.
OK, I’ll go play with 4.0 and see what it does.