Copied list pastes as picture

Copied a list of 100 cells from column A
switch sheet
CTR-V pastes a picture with the list, but does not fill cells
Same with INSERT - PASTE
PASTE-SPECIAL not a help

Thank you for your time,

Please edit your question to include your operating system and version information from Help | About ; use the icon to copy the text, it’s easier than a screen capture.

In the absence of any specific OS information, perhaps see if Copy/Paste clipboard issues LibreOffice Calc - #22 by fishingCoder helps.

Where you tried to paste the clipboard content to? Into an another Calc Cell range? Into a Table of a Writer document?
Can you upload sample files and/or screenshot images here?

I read this to mean copying into another sheet in the same spreadsheet document.

You likely have a broken clipboard “manager” in your system that destroys offered clipboard formats.

This is an intermittent bug in LibreOffice Calc, at least running in Linux Mint Xia.

A simple save and reboot was enough to kill the problem for the session, but there’s no easy way to test further without knowing what specifically triggered the bug. I had Calc running with Okular, Firefox and Thunderbird in Xia when I noticed it.