Crash and Document Recovery - No autosave by default!

In reference to another similar topic here: LibreOffice Writer: Crash and Autosave is off by default

Used Libre Office to open common files from Microsoft Office only.

Now I once gave it a chance instead of making some python solution since I needed a “more flexible and visual” working environment.

I had a sheet consisting just of 2 tables no more than 50 lines and 12h of work and this calc application crashed losing 6h of work.

No recovery/saves by default! This was your one and only chance - never touching libre office for work again.

Just venting as in the topic mentioned above - 10 years passed - still same shit. Privacy argument does not hold at all - idk what genius aspects I might have missed. This crap of software immediately became deprecated to a necessary “view-only” relict on my system.