Customising toolbar - add secondary font colour button

Prior to updating LibreOffice to 7.6.2.x (i.e. I had LO 7.5.x.x), I was able to add and use 2 font colour buttons and 2 background colour buttons in the formatting toolbar so that I can set different colours (for each element/button) for quick convenience. But as I have upgraded to, this functionality is no longer possible. Undesired behaviour - scenario example: If I choose and apply a font colour in one font colour button, the other font colour button changes too to match the first font colour button! It wasn’t the case prior to LO I wanted the other font colour button to remain as it is. Any solution to this? Thank you.

With the possibilities to set dark mode the UI needs to adapt automatcally. So there was a lot of change, and we’ve seen a lot of “colour unreadable” lately.
I can only guess here, but you may try to set a theme instead of “auto”. Then You may be allowed to set your colours permanently. Also check, if your button has a defined background or does read some system value.

Not entirely sure you’re referring to the issue described by the questioner.
(I’ll be happy to be proven wrong).

Anyway, I am attaching two .gifs recorded on Windows 11, respectively, in and




Hi that is it exactly what happens! :grinning: Thanks for the gif animations.

No issue with version
By the way: There are two different commands for Font Color buttons:

Try with both of them.

It is similar with Highlighting color (but not with Background color):

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No issue with version



Then I’d recommend to file a bug at Bugzilla

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Hi. Thank you all for looking into it. It is a bug then so who would report the bug to Bugzilla - me?

It is best if the person who found the bug reports it as they can add further detail if questions arise from it. You will also get updates from the report. It is a fairly simple process

See How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

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I noticed your report in Bugzilla. Thanks.

Customising toolbar - add secondary font colour button

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