Dark theme messing with formulas text color, white on white when print/export

Hello, this is my first post, I use the dark theme on writer, when I printed a document containing formulas, they were missing.

I tried to solve it in different ways, I searched the internet and found “Print” in the formula properties, (which was already enabled by default).

Then on my own it occurred to me that the dark theme might be interfering, so I switched to light.

Now the formulas were white on white, they did not change to black like the text. I had to left click on each one to make it “update” to black white on.

And now I go to print and in the preview they DO APPEAR.

I go back to the dark theme, the formulas are black on black(they still do not respond to theme change), if I click on one, it turns white on black, in the print preview that one “disappears”(white on white) and the others that I did not click on (that did not update/change color) are visible.

I think I found a bug, I can’t think of what to do to fix this behavior.

Set your text colour to automatic which is the default setting.
Also reset the colour for your formulas back to automatic

I did:

Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Application Colors :
Scheme: Automatic
Automatic: System Theme

But it did not solve the problem. Also it switch the document background color to white.

Edit: And I also think it is wrong that it does not update the color of the formulas when I change the theme, although the color of the normal text does update correctly.

That isn’t what I meant.

I read your question a bit more closely and it seems it might be a graphics rendering issue.

Try going into Tools - Options - LibreOffice - View and tick the box Force Skia software rendering. Click OK and allow LibreOffice to restart.

Test if switching modes is ok

Oh forgive me, I misinterpreted your message with what I had in my head… tried to set the text to automatic (by clicking on the interface icon) when creating the formula but it didn’t work either.

I don’t have that option in my Writer (?)

So you are on Linux. I don’t think I can help with that, sorry.

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Oh well don’t worry, thank you very much for your tips. It gave me new ideas.

For now I am working in the black theme and modified text color to red.

The formulas look red in the print preview, but I set to print in grayscale, I think that will be fine for now.

I found some Skia thingy in advance tab :

I’m trying it now.

Edit: Don’t work either :frowning:

I don’t think Skia is used by Linux
Anyway, to update the OLE objects to recognise the colour scheme click Tools > Update > Update All

Sorry, I didn’t test at the time.

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Thank you!! When I hit update the color of all the formulas changed all at once, after switching themes :smiley:

Then I can work in the dark theme, and switch to light + update all , when I go to print/export. It is another option. Thanks :+1: :+1:

You shouldn’t have to change theme to print or export. If you are in Dark Theme and you press Print, the preview screen in the print dialogue should show a white page with black writing.

Yes, I know, that was the main problem of the thread, but at least I gave it a detour, even if we have not solved it yet. That “update all” tip saves me a lot of time already. Who knows what it is that weird error.

If I don’t Update All and the formulas are black on black on screen, the formulas still print and export normally.
If that is not happening for you, please post a bug report, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

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Yes, I will do that, it was my suspicion from the beginning, but I did not know if I had misconfigured something in my setup. I mark your answer as a solution?

Please give the bug number here so others can find it. Cheers, Al



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