Dir vs SFA.getFolderContents

When I use the Dir (Path) command in a macro, I can include a * character in Path argument to specify which files I want to choose. I try to replace Dir with the method getFolderContents using Simple File Access, e.g. s() = oSFA.getFolderContents(Path, False), but this is not accepted if I include * in Path. Is there an analogue of the Dir command in the SFA that allows the use of *? I understand that it is possible to process the array s() accordingly, but is there a simple solution?

use python instead basic and for the particular task https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.Path.glob

Thanks, Karolus.

Here’s (almost) the same in Basic. Works fast.

Option Explicit 
Option Compatible

' Finds file names that match a pattern.
' -  folder   Can be specified in URL or operating system format. Optionally may end with a path separator.
' -  pattern  Specifies a filter for the file name. May contain the characters listed below.
' Characters in pattern:
' ?            Any single character.
' *            Zero or more characters.
' #            Any single digit (0-9).
' [charlist]   Any single character in charlist.
' [!charlist]  Any single character not in charlist.
' For specific features of specifying a template, see [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/like-operator) 
Function FolderFiles(ByVal folder As String, Optional ByVal pattern As String="")
  Dim arr, i as Long, j As Long, sep As String
  arr = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess").getFolderContents(ConvertToUrl(folder), False)
  If pattern<>"" Then
    pattern=Lcase(folder & Iif(Right(folder, 1)=sep, "", sep) & pattern)
  End If  
  For i=0 To Ubound(Arr)
    If Lcase(arr(i)) Like pattern Then
      If j<i Then
      End If  
    End If  
  Next i
  If j=-1 Then
  ElseIf j<Ubound(Arr) Then
    ReDim Preserve arr(j)
  End If    
End Function

Sub TestFolderFiles
  Dim arr, t As Long
  arr=FolderFiles("C:\temp", "*a*.ods")
  Msgbox "Time: " & (GetSystemTicks()-t) & " Count: " & (Ubound(arr)+1)
End Sub

@sokol92 Thanks a lot

How fast??

from pathlib import Path
p = list(Path.home().glob("Downloads/*.ods"))
## 2.7 ms ± 526 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
## len(p) ⇒ 262
## disclaimer This is a tiny Raspberrypi4b
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Win 10. Folder on shared Linux (Samba), 1563 files in total.

Time: 159 Count: 1297

Win 10, Folder C:\temp, 4429 files in total.

Time: 144 Count: 749

From a practical point of view, good.

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