Subj, it is sometimes necessary to have such feature for convenient work.
E.g., it is necessary to “align” (snap) one shape with custom glue points on it to other custom shape.
Thank you in advance!
Glue-Points-Test.odg (9.4 KB)
Subj, it is sometimes necessary to have such feature for convenient work.
E.g., it is necessary to “align” (snap) one shape with custom glue points on it to other custom shape.
Thank you in advance!
Glue-Points-Test.odg (9.4 KB)
Sorry, it’s not clear for me. I would like to connect one shape to another by glue points on shapes without using any connectors.
Please attach a sample file. It will be easier to experiment on your specific case than to try with an arbitrary drawing.
A snap from glue point to glue point does not exist. But LibreOffice has a lot of snap and align options.
Ooo, thank you for exhaustive answer!
In my case, snap to “snap line” would be answer, but small question: will glue point on shape snap to “snap line”?
Thank you for help!
Glue points snap to snap lines and snap points while editing the glue point. But when you have left the edit mode, there exists no snapping that considers glue points.