Envelopes not printing properly

The envelope feature will not properly format/print a #10 envelope. However, I note that Open Office doesn’t have this bug. Has this been fixed? Any suggestions? Thank you!

Hi @elambo,

Do the instructions here help you? (The answer mentions OO, but just use LO and the menus, etc… should be pretty much the same, I believe):

Here are a couple of bugs that might be related:

  • fdo#52025 - PRINTING: Can’t print COM-10 (#10) size envelopes - UNCONFIRMED
  • fdo#51132 - After one success, PRINTING of #10 ENVELOPES failed to print properly, apparently due to incorrect formatting of the envelope document by the ‘Insert Envelope’ wizard. - UNCONFIRMED

Thank you qubit, but the bug persists. As stated, the prob has been solved in Open Office, but we prefer LO (handles .docx etc.).

Hi @elambo, If you think that your bug is different from those two, please file a new bug with repro steps, etc.
