Esperanto dictionary extension for LibreOffice?

Is there an Esperanto dictionary extension available for LibreOffice yet? Thanks!

Hi @jkph00,

Per the Language Support page, there’s an extension called Esperantilo available for older versions of OOo/LO.

I’ve no idea if this will install on modern builds of LO, but it’s definitely worth a shot.

There’s also LanguageTool, which apparently works with Esperanto. Grab a copy of it here.

(1) My experience: Adding “Esperantilo” as an extension to LO 3.6.5 / 4.0.0 will crash LO, if you want to select the menu Tools → Options → Language Settings → Writing Aids.

(2) LanguageTool (I like it!) is a “Style and Grammar Checker”, but not a dictionary extension … :wink:

It does seem weird that we don’t have a working Esperanto dictionary for LO 4.0. I guess we could try to ping the mailing list:

@jkph00 – Did you ever find an answer about an Esperanto dictionary?